
Benefits Of Feed Wheat In A Chickens Diet


Are you looking for ways to boost your chickens’ health and egg production? Feed wheat could be the answer. This nutrient-rich cereal grain provides chickens with high energy and a good source of starch.

Including feed wheat in your poultry feed, up to 50% of the total, can bring many benefits for your feathered friends. Keep reading to discover how this staple food can help your chickens thrive.

Key Takeaways

  • Feed wheat provides chickens with high energy levels (95% of maize’s energy) and a good source of starch (70-75%), supporting their growth, maintenance, and egg production.
  • The low fibre content in wheat allows for better nutrient absorption compared to other cereal grains, promoting optimal health in chickens. A study in the Journal of Applied Poultry Research found high fibre wheat-based diets reduced digesta viscosity and excreta moisture in broilers.
  • Wheat contains essential nutrients like protein (slightly higher than maize), B vitamins, iron, and zinc. Research shows including whole wheat in broiler feed at appropriate levels (up to 50% of total feed) can improve gizzard function and reduce proventriculitis incidence.
  • Crimped or rolled wheat grains are easier for chickens to digest and absorb nutrients from. Soaking the wheat before feeding can also aid digestion.
  • While wheat is valuable in poultry diets, it should be supplemented with other grains, protein sources, vitamins, and minerals for a balanced and complete feed that meets the birds’ specific nutritional needs at different life stages.

What is Feed Wheat and its Use in Poultry Feed


Feed wheat, also known as triticum spp., is a cereal grain commonly used in poultry feed. It provides a good source of energy, starch, and nutrients for chickens. Wheat has 95% of the energy of maize and slightly higher protein levels, making it a valuable addition to a chicken’s diet.

Wheat is a nutritious and energy-rich grain that plays a crucial role in poultry feed formulations.

Poultry feed manufacturers often incorporate wheat into pellets or mash, usually limiting it to 50% of the total feed to avoid digestive upsets. Crimped wheat grains are also used to improve digestion and nutrient absorption.

While wheat is an important component of poultry feed, it should be supplemented with other nutrients to ensure a balanced diet for optimal health and growth.

Benefits of Feed Wheat in a Chicken’s Diet


Feed wheat is high in energy and starch. It is also low in fibre. Feed wheat contains important nutrients like protein, vitamins and minerals. These nutrients help chickens grow and stay healthy.

High in energy

Wheat is a nutrient-rich cereal grain that provides chickens with high levels of food energy. This whole grain contains about 95% of the energy found in corn, making it an excellent source of fuel for poultry.

Wheat’s energy content comes from its starch, which is easily digestible by chickens and helps them maintain an active lifestyle.

Feed wheat’s high energy levels support the rapid growth and development of broiler chickens. Studies show that including whole wheat in broiler feed can improve gizzard function and reduce the occurrence of proventriculitis.

Chickens require a balanced diet with sufficient energy to thrive, and feed wheat plays a crucial role in meeting their nutritional needs.

Good source of starch

In addition to being high in energy, feed wheat is also an excellent source of starch for chickens. The grain contains around 70-75% starch, which serves as a key energy source in poultry diets.

Starch is a complex carbohydrate that gets broken down into glucose during digestion, providing the birds with a steady supply of fuel for growth, maintenance, and egg production. The digestibility of wheat starch is relatively high in chickens, ranging from 85-90%, making it an efficient and cost-effective ingredient in feed formulations.

The type and quality of starch in feed wheat can impact its nutritional value for chickens. Wheat varieties with higher levels of amylopectin, a branched-chain starch molecule, tend to be more easily digested than those with higher levels of amylose, a straight-chain starch.

The particle size of the wheat also plays a role in starch digestibility, with finer grinds generally leading to better utilization by the birds. Feed manufacturers often employ various processing techniques, such as grinding, pelleting, and steam-flaking, to optimize the starch availability and overall nutritional quality of wheat-based poultry feeds.

Low in fibre

Feed wheat is an excellent choice for poultry diets due to its low fiber content. Compared to other cereal grains like oats and barley, wheat contains less dietary fiber, which is beneficial for chickens.

High fiber levels in poultry feed can reduce nutrient absorption and lead to digestive issues. A study published in the Journal of Applied Poultry Research found that high fiber wheat-based diets reduced ileal digesta viscosity and excreta moisture in broiler chickens.

Wheat has 95% of the energy of corn and slightly higher protein levels, making it a valuable addition to a chicken’s diet. – Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board (AHDB)

Feed wheat’s low fiber content allows for better nutrient utilization, promoting optimal growth and development in chickens. However, it’s important to note that while wheat is a valuable component of a chicken’s diet, it should be supplemented with other essential nutrients for a balanced and complete feed.

Poultry nutritionists carefully formulate diets that incorporate wheat along with other grains, protein sources, vitamins, and minerals to meet the specific nutritional requirements of different poultry species and production stages.


In addition to being low in fiber, wheat is also packed with essential nutrients that chickens need for optimal growth and development. This golden grain is an excellent source of protein, with slightly higher levels than corn, making it a valuable addition to poultry feed.

Wheat also contains a range of vitamins and minerals, such as B vitamins, iron, and zinc, which support various bodily functions in chickens, from energy metabolism to immune system health.

Studies have shown that incorporating whole wheat into broiler diets can improve gizzard function and reduce the occurrence of proventriculitis, a common digestive disorder in poultry.

Furthermore, the specific chemical and physical properties of wheat contribute to its high nutritive value in chicken feed. By including wheat as part of a balanced diet, along with other essential nutrients, farmers can ensure their chickens receive the nourishment they need to thrive.

How to Incorporate Feed Wheat into Poultry Feed

When adding feed wheat to your chickens’ diet, limit it to 50% of their total feed. Crimped wheat grains are easier for chickens to digest and provide more nutrients.

Limiting to 50% of total feed

When incorporating feed wheat into poultry diets, it’s crucial to limit its inclusion to a maximum of 50% of the total feed. This ensures that the chickens receive a balanced diet with all the necessary nutrients.

Wheat provides high energy levels and a good source of starch, but it’s low in fiber and other essential nutrients. By keeping wheat to half of the total feed, you can supplement the diet with other grains, protein sources, and minerals to meet the birds’ nutritional requirements.

Research has shown that whole wheat inclusion in broiler feed at appropriate levels can improve gizzard function and reduce proventriculitis incidence.

Poultry farmers can use crimped or rolled wheat to make it easier for the chickens to digest and absorb the nutrients. Soaking the wheat before feeding can also aid in digestion. It’s important to note that while wheat is a valuable component of a chicken’s diet, it should not be the sole source of nutrition.

A well-formulated feed that includes wheat along with other grains like corn, oats, or barley, as well as protein sources like soybean meal, can provide the optimal balance of energy, protein, and other nutrients for healthy growth and egg production in chickens.

Consider crimped grain

To maximize the nutritional benefits of feed wheat for chickens, incorporating crimped grain can be an effective strategy. Crimping involves rolling or flaking the wheat grains to crack them open, making it easier for the birds to digest and absorb the nutrients.

This process also helps reduce the risk of selective feeding, where chickens may pick out certain parts of the feed and leave others behind. By crimping the wheat, you ensure a more consistent and balanced diet for your flock.”.

“Crimped wheat can be particularly beneficial for young chicks and growing birds, as their digestive systems are still developing. The cracked grains are more easily broken down, allowing the birds to access the energy and protein they need for healthy growth and development.

When incorporating crimped wheat into your poultry feed, it’s essential to maintain a balanced ratio with other grains and supplements to ensure your chickens receive all the necessary nutrients.

A well-formulated feed that includes crimped wheat can contribute to improved overall health, better egg production, and enhanced meat quality in your flock.


Feed wheat is a nutritious and energy-rich addition to a chicken’s diet. It provides essential nutrients, improves gizzard function, and supports overall health. Incorporate it into poultry feed at appropriate levels for the best results.

Your chickens will thank you for it!


1. What are the benefits of feed wheat in a chicken’s diet?

Feed wheat provides essential nutrients like protein and gluten to chickens. It helps them grow strong and healthy. Whole grains like wheat are a good source of energy for chickens.

2. Can feed wheat be used for other animals besides chickens?

Yes, feed wheat is also used in the diet of other animals like cattle and ruminants. It is a common ingredient in animal feed and is often supplemented with other nutrients.

3. Is feed wheat the same as wheat for human consumption?

No, feed wheat is different from wheat used for human consumption. Feed wheat may not meet the same quality standards as wheat used in food processing or for making cookies.

4. Where can I get affordable, good quality feed wheat in Lincolnshire, UK?

We provide quality affordable feed wheat to the Lincolnshire area. Get in touch today!

5. What other ingredients are commonly used along with feed wheat in animal feed?

Other common ingredients used along with feed wheat in animal feed include oilseed rape, sugar-beet pulp, and milk protein. The exact mix of ingredients depends on the specific nutritional needs of the animal being fed. The Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board (AHDB) provides guidance on animal feed formulation in the UK.